Three posters in two cities will be presented this year within only two days about the consilium care™ App. These posters will be presented and discussed at the annual meeting of the DGHO on 8th & 9th of October 2022 in Vienna and at the annual meeting of the German Society of Nephrology on 8th of October 2022 in Berlin.
DGHO, Vienna:
- “P417 Oral Medicinal Cannabis (CBD:THC) as Add-On to Standard of Care (SoC) for Symptomatic and Palliative Treatment in Cancer Patients: ePRO digital recording of symptoms- a Multicentre Prospective Patient Registry in Switzerland and Germany using ePROs”
- “P681 Anti-HER2 gerichtetes Biosimilar OgivriTM bei Brustkrebs: Real World ePROs mit der Consilium CareTM App”
14th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Nephrology, Berlin:
- “Consilium Care Mobile App und ePROs als Qualitätstool für Hämodialysepatienten”